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Proposals Open to Public Procurement

In this section, you will find all the contract proposals currently being outsourced by the different departments of the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce, as set down in the internal rules & regulations for hiring staff.

OPEN. Expediente 24PA07. Procedimiento abierto para la contratación del servicio de recepción de la Cámara de Comercio de Mallorca. (+info). 

CLOSED. File 21PA01: Procedure for hiring a company that provides a comprehensive service for the management, issuance, exchange and control of discount-bonds through the provision of a technological platform with applications that allow management, issuance, exchange and control of the vouchers, their reading and authentication (+info).

CLOSED. File 20PA02: Procedure for hiring services for the creation and development of an online platform to promote virtual events for the nautical sector (+info).

CLOSED. File 20PA01: Procedure for hiring services to impart online teaching for beneficiaries of the PICE programme (+info).

CLOSEDFile 20PAS02: Procedure for hiring technical, financial and communication services for the CarpeDigem project (+info).

CLOSEDFile 20PAS01: Procedure for hiring external auditing services for the WinterMed project (+info).

CLOSEDFILE 19PA03: Procedure for hiring external auditing services for the CarpeDigem Project (+info).

CLOSEDFILE 19PA02: Procedure for hiring external consultancy services to develop the Xpande  programme (+info)

CLOSEDFILE 19CM01: Procedure for hiring external consultancy services to carry out 20 certificates of quality (+info)

CLOSED. FILE 19PA01: Procedure for hiring external consultancy services for Improve your PoS Programme aimed at the retail trade (+info)

CERRADOFILE 18PA02: Procedure for hiring Vocational Guidance services for the PICE Programme (+info)

CLOSED. FILE 18PA01: Procedure for hiring external consultancy services to develop the Xpande  programme (+info)

CLOSEDFILE 18CM01: Procedure for hiring external consultancy services to carry out 20 certificates of quality for companies in the restaurant sector in Mallorca (+info)

CLOSED. FILE 16PR01: Procedure for hiring external consultancy services for press, communications & marketing for the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce (+info)

CLOSED. FILE 15CS02: Procedure for hiring external consultancy services for press, communications & marketing for the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce (+info)

CLOSED. FILE 15CS01: Procedure for hiring services in person to follow up and advise the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce on the situation of its assets (+info)

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Internal Rules for Hiring

The Mallorca Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services & Navegation (henceforth the Mallorca Chamber), with regard to its contracting authority and in application of art. 175 b) of Law 30/2007 of 30th October, Public Sector Contracts (henceforth Law 30/2007), has drawn up the current Instructions for Hiring by which the procedure for hiring services and work as well as other matters being considered in which the the Mallorca Chamber intervenes as the contracting authority. 

Likewise, it aims to determine the areas of responsibility of the different departments of the organization, standardizing the handling and control of documents, thus allowing efficient management of the same.

These instructions are of obligatory implementation and application in all contracts issued by the  Mallorca Chamber under its authority, and will be published on the institutional website under  the Contractor's Profile.

The awarding of contracts is subject to the principles of advertising, participation, transparency, confidentiality, equality and no discrimination. 

These instructions will not be applied to business or contracts referred to in art. 4 of Law 30/2007 of 30th October on Public Sector Contracts.

These hiring regulations were approved by the General Assembly of the Mallorca Chamber on 20th November, 2008.